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Get in the know with a Luscious author ~ Elyzabeth Valey

by on May 5, 2013

Hi ya Peeps,

Today we have a great author, Elyzabeth Valey and she is showing off her newest release…A Dragon’s Heart, A Demons Blood. Whoot, I gotta tell ya that pretty she sent over is smoking too. But we’ll get to that soon enough. In the mean time she granted Luscious an interview. Elyzabeth is extremely charming and once your check out the interview below I’m sure yo will think so too. And don’t stop there! We also have a the cover as I mentioned above and an excerpt, you really don’t want to miss. Everything is below.

  1. Tell us about yourself:  Who are you and why did you start writing?

*Waves* I’m Elyzabeth M. VaLey and I’m an erotic romance writer. I started writing because it’s always been something I love. Writing is an integral part of who I am.

  1. What is your best strength when you’re writing?

That’s a really hard question!

  1. What has been the hardest part of a book for you to write?

Action scenes have been hard to write because I always worry that what they’re doing will come off as unnatural. Watching films and reading books (especially in the case of my series The Mercenary Tales where there were swords involved) has helped.

  1. To date do you have any favorite characters and if so which ones and from what book?

I love all my children, I mean, characters, the same. However, if forced to pick I think Emmeline from The Lost Mercenary is one of my favorite heroines. She’s ahead of her time. Strong and resourceful, she has to make a modern day choice: love or career.

  1. What are some of the challenges you’ve faced as a writer?

The greatest challenge I’ve had to face and still struggle with sometimes is lack of confidence. I might be a published author but I still worry and fret that readers won’t enjoy what I have to offer.

Also, forcing myself to set apart time for writing and being productive has been and still is a challenge. I have a tendency for procrastination.

  1. Do you have a favorite genre or subgenre?

I have a soft spot for historicals and fantasy but I’ll write and read whatever strikes my fancy.

  1. How do you decide which book you’re going to start next?

I don’t. My muse is the one that chooses. *grin*

  1. When you not writing what are your favorite hobbies?

When I’m not writing I can usually be found outside, walking or playing with my Labrador, having some tapas and beers with friends or simply spending some time with my mom and sister.

  1. What is the one thing you do after finishing a story?

I grin like a lunatic. Sometimes I clap too. And since I usually write at night when everyone in my house is asleep I have to clap quietly. LOL

  1. Fun question. What’s your favorite carnival ride?

When I was a kid I used to really enjoy the flying chairs, but now I get sick on anything that moves too much, so carnival rides are not exactly my thing.



 He is a shadow in the dark, smelling your scent and sensing your fear…

Legendary bounty hunter Adrian Ormonde is no ordinary man. His life is filled with secrets and questions, blood and lust. His only concern for 150 years has been survival and discovering the truth behind his demon-dragon nature.

Until he meets his new assignment: Victoria Green.

Victoria Green has felt eyes watching her every move ever since she can remember. Then, Adrian appears. The eyes vanish but new dangers arise as she falls for the mysterious hunter. Cast into an ancient conflict between dragons and demons, Victoria must trust Adrian’s skill to be enough to protect her from both the outside world and that which grows within her.

Chance brought them together but will love and passion be enough to keep them joined? Or will the other forces at play in the dragon-demon worlds destroy them forever?


Glimpsing at the tent in his jeans, she gasped.


In an instant, he was upon her, his mouth devouring hers and making her legs weak.

“You make me lose control, sweetheart, and I’ll be damned if that hasn’t happened in years.”

His hands slid down her waist over her hip and onto her thigh. Her breath hitched as she searched Adrian’s dark eyes.

“Already, you ask?” He sneered, his calloused fingers rising higher and caressing the junction between her legs. His fingertips skimmed over her labia, finding her wet entrance. His grin became smug. Adrian’s nostrils flared and his eyes flashed red as he dipped two fingers inside her, wringing out a breath she’d not been aware of holding.

“You’re already wet for me, sweetheart.”

Bringing his lips down to her, he stole another short kiss that had her whimpering against him.

She hugged him, bringing him closer and searching for his warm touch again. His eyes scanned her face, his gaze softening.

“You don’t want this, sweetheart.”

“Yes, yes I do,” she replied pushing herself against his hand. His thumb brushed over her clit. Victoria tensed. Her orgasm hung from a cliff, ready to fall.

“I do want it.”

Tangling her fingers in his hair, she pulled him to her mouth, teasing the seams with her tongue. He groaned and she tasted him with longing.  Sucking on his tongue, she made love to it as he pleasured her with his fingers. Her body became a mass of over-sensitized sparks as he coordinated his thumb with his seesawing digits. His hand on her waist, held her in place as she humped against him.

“Come on, sweetheart.”

His husky baritone triggered her release. Victoria cried out, her pussy convulsing in short waves, hot liquid dripping onto Adrian’s fingers. Her towel fell to a heap on the floor as she lost control, the cool breeze doing little to soothe her heated skin. She wanted more. She wanted all of him.

Victoria moved to embrace him but he stepped away from her. Drawing his fingers into his mouth, he briefly closed his eyes emitting a barely audible sound of pleasure. When he opened them again, she gasped. Red sparks danced in his green depths.

“No, Victoria. You don’t want this.”

Shaking his head, he turned around and strode out of the room. Victoria stood rooted to the spot, watching in shock as he left the apartment, the main door slamming shut. Tears dampened her vision. Picking up the t-shirt he’d given her, she put it on. More tears trailed down her cheeks as the smell of detergent mingled with his scent. Taking a deep breath, she hastily brushed them away.

“Get a grip, Vicky.”

Wrapping the discarded towel around her wet hair, she strode to the kitchen, her stomach growling. She didn’t think she’d find anything edible in the small kitchen, but luckily Adrian kept a box of cereal and a few cartons of unopened milk.  Digging into the meal, she shivered slightly as an unsettling feeling grew in her chest. The watchful eyes were back.


Author Bio:

 Defined as weird since she was about eight, Elyzabeth honors the title by making up songs about her chores, doodling stars and flowers on any blank sheet of paper and talking to her dog whenever he feigns interest.

Losing the battle to the voices in her head is her favorite pastime after annoying her younger sister with her singing. Writing stories full of passion and emotion where love conquers all is her happy pill and she’ll forgo sleep to make her readers live the dream.


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One Comment
  1. Thanks for the having me, ladies! 🙂

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